Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Post I Have Been Dreading

It has finally happened.  I have been dreading this.  I gained weight this week.  I gained 1.4 pounds.  I was so disappointed in myself when I climbed on the scale.  I cried (although I cry easily...I am an emotional girl!).  I am worried about letting my supporters down, and more importantly, I am worried about letting myself down.  Here I am.  At a point where I can give up and quit and gain weight back, or I can continue pressing forward towards the prize.  I am determined to be different this time.  I am choosing me. 
When I entered my weight, a little message popped up on Weight Watchers.  It said:
Look back at this week and see what you might be able to change; then let go of what you can't. The best thing to do is focus on is making this coming week a success. 
Looking back at this past week, these are the things I think I did (or didn't do) that contributed to gaining weight:
*I was not as consistent with tracking my WW points.
*I went out to eat more this week than I have in previous weeks.
*I didn't drink as much water as I should.
*I weighed myself almost daily. 
I LOVE that the WW message says to let go of what you can't change.  I need to do that.  I am letting go of this week's weight gain, and I am focusing on the positive things that I accomplished this week and that I want to accomplish next week. 
Positives from this week:
*I ran 4.5 miles!
*I worked out every day with the exception of my one rest day!
*I can wear knee high socks now!
*My favorite jeans fit me a little better now!
My goals for this week:
*Do a better job of tracking my WW points.
*Drink half my body weight in water.
*Continue with my training program (which means my running / walking increments will be 30 seconds each)
*Weigh myself only on my weigh-in day.
I hope that focusing on the positive and not dwelling on the negative will help me to retrain my brain.  I found this verse in the Bible, and I have read it many times before, but I know that it is speaking to where I am and my commitment to my weight loss journey.  Here it is:
Help me, Lord, to always commit my plans to You.  I want to succeed.  I know that I am going to get knocked down.  I know this is a journey and a life style change.  I will not lose weight every week, but I will keep going.  


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