Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Sleeping In

This is the first morning since I have begun training that I kept hitting snooze and did not get up at my 5 a.m. alarm.  I didn't drag myself out of bed until 7:15 this morning!  Yikes!  That meant there was absolutely NO WAY I could work out this morning before work.  This also is the perfect reason as to why I have to get up and work out in the morning.  All day during work I kept thinking I have to leave as soon as the kids do so I can go home and work out.  I knew if I waited too much longer after that I would find every excuse not to work out.  It was on my mind all day long because I did not want to miss a day.  I have been going strong for seven weeks...why miss a day now?  It really is a mental attitude, but for me, I simply prefer getting up in the morning and working out immediately so I can get it over with...no excuses! 

I had dinner with a friend tonight.  She wanted to talk with me about what I was doing to lose weight.  I felt honored to be having this conversation with her, and I am excited to help her in her own journey of setting healthy goals and achieving them. 

I am by NO MEANS an expert at this.  I am muddling my way through my own journey.  If I had to give advice to anyone right now, it would be that whatever you decide to do, stick with it!  And, that you have to do what works for you, not necessarily what works for someone else.  For example, I used to be able to work out using DVDs.  I must have burnt myself out on them because the thought of putting a workout DVD in my DVD player literally makes me want to throw my DVD player across the room - violent but true!  If someone told me I needed to do workout DVDs to lose weight, I wouldn't do it.  It just doesn't work for me right now.  Maybe someday I will not be so repulsed by them, but as of Tuesday, March 19, 2013, they make me cringe! 

Another friend recommended this blog to me, and I am hooked for three reasons. 

1.  52 marathons in 52 weeks?!?!?!  That is amazing!
2.  She is bringing awareness to a cause near and dear to my heart - raising awareness about pancreatic cancer. 
3.  She, like me, lost her father to this terrible disease. 

Julie Weiss is an inspiration to me!  Check it out:


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