Wednesday, June 5, 2013

National Running Day!

Happy National Running Day!  Why do you run? 

Here are 10 ways to celebrate National Running Day (none of them include going out for some Mexican food, weird):  

In addition to it being National Running Day, I had some epiphanies today that I think I should share.  Now, the first thing I need to explain is that I had these epiphanies during a leadership training I was at.  Not really a place you would expect to have them, but I will take them where I can!  Our superintendent was talking about a book entitled The Knowing-Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge into Action.  He summarized it all by saying that he knows what he has to do to lose weight, but he just doesn't do it.  Duh!  So do I!  I know I need to eat better; I just don't always do it.  I know I need to exercise.  At least I am doing that part right now.  So, am I going to fall into this gap and not turn my knowledge into action?  I hope not!

During one of my breakout sessions I was in a room where health was taught.  There was a bulletin board with all sorts of fun facts on it.  One of them said that people that keep a food journal are twice as likely to lose weight as those that do not.  This just reaffirms that I need to be keeping a food journal. 

Happy National Running Day and here's to us not falling into the knowing-doing gap! 


  1. Ok so I feel like you are stalking! Just kidding but I just got done eating Mexican for lunch and I just read last night that "That people that keep a food journal are twice as likely to lose weight as those that do not.". I think God is trying to tell us something :)

    1. Thanks so much for commenting, Gena! A food journal is definitely in my future. :)
